Thursday, April 30, 2020

Here's how to tell if Redd's art is a forgery or the genuine article

Don't let Redd make a fool of you. Make sure you know what to look for when buying art from this con artist.

There are so many things to collect in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, whether that be fish, bugs, clothes, recipes, or dozens of other things. Once players take the necessary steps to invite Redd the fox to their island and upgrade their museum to allow for an art gallery, they will also have the opportunity to collect iconic statues and classic paintings. But buyer beware! This little fox is, in fact, a scammer and sells forgeries along with the genuine articles. Here's how to tell if you're buying a fake in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

How to tell if Redd is selling a fake painting or statue

Each of the pieces that you can purchase in New Horizons is based off of a real-life work of art. Forgeries look very similar to the originals, but usually have one incorrect thing about them. For instance, the figure in the painting might be pointing in the wrong direction or someone's clothing might be a little different. If you can pull up a picture of the original work of art, you can spot the difference between the fake and the real deal.

All paintings and statues

Unfortunately, while the in-game artwork is based off of classic works, they are given different names in New Horizons. Here are images of all of the real-life pieces you can buy along with their New Horizons names and their real-world titles. Compare these images with what Redd is selling to see if they are genuine or not.


Here are all of the paintings that players can obtain in Animal Crossing. They're listed alphabetically by the name given to them within New Horizons.

ACNH Name Actual Name & Artist Real-world Artwork The fake one
Academic Painting Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci There's a coffee stain in the upper right-hand corner
Amazing Painting The Night Watch by Rembrandt The man in the center doesn't wear a hat.
Basic Painting The Blue Boy by Thomas Gainsborough The boy's hair looks different.
Calm Painting A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat This one is always real
Common Painting The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet This one is always real
Detailed Painting Rooster and Hen with Hydrangeas by Ito Jakuchu The flowers are purple instead of blue
Dynamic Painting Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai This one is always real
Famous Painting The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci Her eyebrows are different
Flowery Painting Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh This one is always real
Glowing Painting The Fighting Temeraire by Joseph Mallord William Turner This one is always real
Graceful Painting Beauty Looking Back by Hishikawa Moronobu The woman takes up more of the canvas
Jolly Painting Summer by Giuseppe Arcimboldo The flower isn't on the man's chest
Moody Painting The Sower by Jean-François Millet This one is always real
Moving Painting The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli The trees on the right aren't there
Mysterious Painting Isle of the Dead by Arnold Böcklin This one is always real
Nice Painting Young Flautist or The Fifer by Édouard Manet This one is always real
Perfect Painting Apples and Oranges by Paul Cézanne This one is always real
Proper Painting A Bar at the Folies-Bergère - Édouard Manet This one is always real
Quaint Painting The Milkmaid by Johannes Vermeer More milk comes pouring out of the pitcher
Scary Painting Ōtani Oniji III as the manservant Edobei by Toshusai Sharaku The eyebrows are different
Scenic Painting The Hunters in the Snow by Peiter Bruegel Two of the men and two of the dogs are missing from the hunting pack
Serene Painting Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci The ermine is darker and has a mask over its eyes similar to Tom Nook
Sinking Painting Ophelia by John Everett Millais This one is always real
Solumn Painting Las Meninas by Diego Velasquesz The man in the doorway has his arm pointing up
Twinkling Painting The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh This one is always real
Warm Painting The Clothed Maja by Francisco De Goya This one is always real
Wild Painting Left Half Wind God and Thunder God by Tawaraya Sōtatsu The figure is green instead of white
Wild Painting Right Half Wind God and Thunder God by Tawaraya Sōtatsu The figure is white instead of green
Wistful Painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer The earring is star shaped
Worthy Painting Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix This one is always real


Here are all of the statues that players can obtain in Animal Crossing. They're listed alphabetically by the name given to them within New Horizons.

ACNH Name Actual Name & Artist Real-world Artwork The fake one
Ancient Statue Dogū by Unknown It has two antennas
Beautiful Statue Venus de Milo by Alexandros of Antioch Wears a necklace
Familiar Statue The Thinker by Auguste Rodin This one is always real
Gallant Statue David by Michelangelo The fake one has a book under its arm
Great Statue King Kamehameha I by Thomas R. Gould This one is always real
Informative Statue Rosetta Stone by Unknown It's blue instead of black
Motherly Statue Capitoline Wolf by Unknown The wolf mother's tongue is sticking out
Mystic Statue Bust of Nefertiti by Thutmose There's an earring on the statue's right ear (left when viewed)
Robust Statue Discobolus by Myron The fake one has a watch on its arm
Rock-head Statue Olmec Colossal Head by Unknown The fake one is smiling
Tremendous Statue Houmuwu Ding by Unknown The fake one has a lid on top
Valiant Statue Nike of Samothrace by Unknown The fake one has the left leg coming forward
Warrior Statue Terracotta Warrior by Unknown The fake one holds a shovel

The real deal

Now that you know what the original artwork looks like, you'll be more likely to be able to spot a fake. Pay close attention to hand positions, accessories, and markings to be able to identify Redd's forgeries in New Horizons. You'll be able to fill up your art gallery in no time.

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Here's how to tell if Redd's art is a forgery or the genuine article posted first on

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