Thursday, May 7, 2020

Apple's COO is optimistic that the US economy can recover from coronavirus

What you need to know

  • Apple COO Jeff Williams appeared on Fox Business.
  • He was asked about the US economy and its ability to recover from coronavirus.
  • But he stressed that he isn't an economist.

He feels "great" about the economy.

Apple Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams has been speaking about his hopes for the US economy following the coronavirus outbreak during an interview on Fox Business. He seems surprisingly bullish for its prospects.

As noted by Apple Insider, Williams said that he was optimistic about where things would go in terms of the economy, noting that his company was still able to release products.

"You know," he continued, "during [the] last quarter, we —even though these are challenging times —we launched three new products. And I feel great about the economy in the long haul. And it's just a matter of getting from here to there."

He also said that Apple's supply chains are now able to run "largely" at capacity, saying that he "couldn't be prouder of the Apple team and how resourceful they've been."

But despite all this, he was keen to point out that he isn't an economist, but rather a COO. That didn't stop him from saying that he feels "great about the long haul."

Williams also took pains to remind everyone that Apple doesn't rely only on China to produce its products, saying that they're made around the world including in the United States. The Mac Pro is built in Texas, for example.

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