Friday, May 22, 2020

Decorate your Animal Crossing island with these sweet QR codes

There are so many creative people out there that are willing to share their creations with you.

Since Animal Crossing not only allows players to create their own designs but also allows players to share these designs with others, folks can easily spice up their islands (even those who feel artistically challenged). Whether you're looking for wallpaper, clothes, canvas patterns, or furniture, the Animal Crossing fan base has you covered. Here's a round-up of the best designs and their QR codes or Design IDs. We've got QR codes for everything from pop-culture, to video games, to memes. That includes things like Star Wars, Pokémon, Mario, The Legend of Zelda, salad cat memes, and more. Check it out!

If you don't know how to use QR codes or Design IDs, check out our guide.

Star Wars

Grab these awesome designs dreamed up for a galaxy far, far away.

Darth Vader poster

Symbol of the Galactic Empire

Rebel Pilot Uniform

Empire floor pattern

Rey's robes

Finn's jacket

R2-D2 Dress

Leia's Hoth jacket

Baby Yoda

Jedi Robes

Rebel Dress

Padme dress

Porg hat

Porg Sweater


Isabelle and Doomguy have one of the best relationships we've ever seen. Here's some of his swag for your Animal Crossing island.

Doom Poster

Doomguy face

Doomguy and Isabelle

Doomguy outfit


Serious Pokemon fans are gonna want to deck out their houses or their characters with these awesome creations.

Bulbasaur Dress

Eeveelution Posters

Team Rocket outfit

Team Aqua outfit

Surprised Pikachu

Ash Ketchum outfits

If you're looking for even more clothes to dress up like the most iconic Pokémon trainer there ever was, check out these Ash Ketchum outfits.

Super Mario

Whether you're wanting to wear a pair of overalls or simply decorate your house with a bunch of things inspired by the Mushroom Kingdom, these designs should do the trick.

Retro Mario

Bowser poster

Mario Shirt

Bowser Logo

Memes and pop culture

Why not decorate your walls with memes and references to your favorite TV shows?

Monkey Christ

Nicholas Cage

My Little Pony Posters

Salad Cat

Angry Salad Lady

Squidward poster

Streets, bricks, and paths

Designing your island village can be a lot of work. Here are some helpful designs to make it a little easier.

Dirt paths

Flower path

Various patterns

Peach Bricks

Street Cobblestones

Morioh Street

Morioh Street (green)

Pavement Tiles

More streets, paths, and bricks

For even more pathways, roads, and pavers check out this guide.

The Legend of Zelda

We have a page dedicated to Zelda outfits check it out here.

Make your own

If you want, you can also upload your own designs to We've even written a guide to show you how to make your own QR codes for others to use.

Scan it in, scan it in

Fans are making more and more sharable designs every day for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If you're looking for the perfect picture to hang on your wall, the perfect cosplay for your character, or the perfect pattern for your town pathways, the fan base has you covered. Have fun designing your ideal island!

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Decorate your Animal Crossing island with these sweet QR codes posted first on

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