Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Everything you need to know about the Pokémon Go Throwback Challenge

But you still gotta catch 'em all!

Announced on April 28, 2020, a new type of event is coming to Pokémon Go: the Throwback Challenge event. This event will run through the entire month of May and will feature Timed Research lines, which players will have to complete in a specified period of time to unlock a final set of challenges during the first week of June.

What is a Throwback Challenge?

Throwback challenges are kind of like Special Research, only with the added difficulty of being timed. When you log in during the Throwback Challenge week, you will gain the Timed Research line in your Today View. From there, you will be able to complete the research for a set period of time, after which anything left incomplete will disappear.

  • Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto Timed Research: Friday, May 1, 2020, at 1 pm until Friday, May 8 at 1 pm local time.
  • Throwback Challenge 2020: Johto Timed Research: Friday, May 8, 2020, at 1 pm until Friday, May 15 at 1 pm local time.
  • Throwback Challenge 2020: Hoenn Timed Research: Friday, May 15, 2020, at 1 pm until Friday, May 22 at 1 pm local time.
  • Throwback Challenge 2020: Sinnoh Timed Research: Friday, May 22, 2020, at 1 pm until Friday, May 29 at 1 pm local time.
  • Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research: Wednesday, June 3, 2020, from 1 pm until Monday, June 8 at 1 pm local time.

Thanks no doubt to the massive success of the recent Community Day: Stay at Home Edition, nearly every single step of these Timed Research Lines has been able to be completed from the safety of home. The handful of tasks that might have required leaving were all easy to complete solo. While Pokémon Go is certainly more fun with friends, this event can be safely completed while social distancing!

Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto Timed Research

The Kanto Timed Research line focused on the original Pokémon games and the Pokémon of the Kanto region, looking back at Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. During this week, there were lots of bonuses and features to help players complete the Timed Research line, including:

  • Pokémon from the Kanto region spawned more frequently, including Venonat and Chansey.
  • Pokémon from the Kanto region were in more Raids.
  • Pokémon from the Kanto region were featured in 7 KM Eggs, including Venonat, Machop, Onix, Lickitung, Tangela, Scyther, Pinsir, Lapras, and Eevee.
  • Pikachu wearing a Charizard hat was available.
  • Shiny Venonat was introduced.
  • Event-exclusive Field Research rewarded players with encounters featuring Pokémon originally found in the Kanto region.
  • Catch, Raid, and Hatch XP were doubled all week.

Completing all the Kanto Timed Research also rewarded players with ten Rare Candies, and a Psystrike Mewtwo encounter, in addition to all the individual task rewards. For the specific tasks involved in this week, see our Pokémon Go Throwback Challenge 2020 week one guide.

Throwback Challenge 2020: Johto Timed Research

The Johto Timed Research line was focused on the Gen II Pokémon from the Johto region, inspired by Pokémon Gold and Silver. The features and bonuses for this week included:

  • Pokémon from the Johto region spawned more frequently, including Dunsparce and Skarmory.
  • Pokémon from the Johto region were in more Raids.
  • Pokémon from the Johto region were featured in 7 KM Eggs, including Chinchou, Yanma, Girafarig, Pineco, Dunsparce, Gligar, Shuckle, Skarmory, and Phanpy.
  • PIkachu wearing an Umbreon hat was available.
  • Shiny Dunsparce was introduced.
  • Event-exclusive Field Research rewarded players with encounters featuring Pokémon originally found in the Johto region.
  • Catch and Raid Stardust were doubled all week.

Completing all the Johto Timed Research rewarded players with ten Rare Candies, and an encounter with Ho-Oh who knew the event exclusive move Earthquake, in addition to all the individual task rewards. For the specific tasks that were involved in this week, see our Pokémon Go Throwback Challenge 2020 week two guide

Throwback Challenge 2020: Hoenn Timed Research

The Hoenn Timed Research line is focused on the Gen III Pokémon from the Hoenn region, looking back on, you guessed it, Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. The features and bonuses for this week include:

  • Pokémon from the Hoenn region are spawning more frequently, including Skitty, Zangoose, and Seviper.
  • Pokémon from the Hoenn region are also be in more Raids.
  • Pokémon from the Hoenn region are being featured in 7 KM Eggs, including Lotad, Slakoth, Nincada, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Trapinch, Feebas, and Clamperl.
  • Pikachu wearing a Rayquaza hat is available.
  • Shiny Skitty is being introduced.
  • Event-exclusive Field Research are rewarding players with encounters featuring Pokémon originally found in the Hoenn region.
  • Hatch and Buddy Candy Distance are halved all week.

Completing all the Hoenn Timed Research rewards players with ten Rare Candies, and an encounter with Groudon who knows the event exclusive move Fire Punch, in addition to all the individual task rewards.

Throwback Challenge 2020: Sinnoh Timed Research

The Sinnoh Timed Research line will focus on the Gen IV Pokémon from the Sinnoh region and Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The features and bonuses for this week will include:

  • Pokémon from the Sinnoh region will be spawning more frequently, including Cherubi and Glameow.
  • Pokémon from the Sinnoh region will also be in more Raids.
  • Pokémon from the Sinnoh region will be featured in 7 KM Eggs, including Cranidos, Shieldon, Glameow, Chingling, Bonsly, Happiny, Gible, Munchlax, Riolu, and Mantyke.
  • Pikachu wearing a Lucario hat will be available.
  • Shiny Glameow will be introduced.
  • Event-exclusive Field Research will reward players with encounters featuring Pokémon originally found in the Sinnoh region.
  • Star Pieces, Incense, and Lucky Eggs will all last for one hour.

Completing all the Hoenn Timed Research will also reward players with ten Rare Candies, and an encounter with Cresselia who knows the event exclusive move Grass Knot, in addition to all the individual task rewards.

Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research

Players who complete all four weeks of the Throwback Challenges will unlock an additional Challenge to be presented during the first week of June. Professor Willow will join players as they look back on Pokémon Black and Pokémon White, and the Gen V Pokémon of Unova. Players will also discover Pokémon from the Gen VIII Galar region! This Throwback Challenge will have four sets of tasks, but players who unlock it will be able to complete it at any time, unlike the previous Throwback Challenges, which are all timed. For five days, however, players can enjoy the following bonuses and features:

Completing all the Champion 2020 Special Research will reward players with five Rare Candies, a pair of Professor Willow's glasses for their avatar, and encounters with Galarian Meowth, Galarian Stunfisk, and the mythical Pokémon Genesect.

Missed a week?

While the goal of this event was to reward players for consistent play, Niantic didn't want players who weren't able to complete every single week to miss out entirely. So, if you missed a week, you can still purchase a ticket for the final week in the PokéShop. For $8 USD or local equivalent, Trainers can have the final Throwback Challenge Special Research. Players who did earn the final week may also purchase a ticket which will create a second set of Special Research, rewarding ten additional Candies in place of Pokémon Encounters, and Stardust in place of Professor Willow's Glasses. These tickets can only be purchased with real money - not PokéCoins, but even players who do not participate in the last week of Special Research will still have the following bonuses to look forward to:

These bonuses will be available beginning at 1 PM local time on Wednesday, June 3 until 1 PM local time on Monday, June 8, 2020.


Do you have any questions about completing the Throwback Challenges? What do you think of this new type of event? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex, as well as our many Pokémon Go guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!

Everything you need to know about the Pokémon Go Throwback Challenge posted first on

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