Thursday, July 30, 2020

ACNH's new sleeping feature adds a new meaning to dreamland

Visting another person's island is so much easier in the land of dreams.

We've long suspected that Luna and dreaming would be coming to Animal Crossing: New Horizons in a future update and our dreams have come true with the Summer Update Wave 2. With this fabulous tapir's help players, can visit other people's islands or allow others to visit their own island in the land of dreams.

Fortunately, these visits can't turn into nightmares since players can't bring anything with them to another person's island, nor do any of the things they do affect the "real" island. So now that we know these visits are safe, here's how to visit another person's dream island and how to share your own dream island with others.

As with all online interactions, players must have a Nintendo Switch Online membership to visit dream islands and share island dreams with others.

Dream Island visiting guide

How to download the Summer Update Wave 2

If, for some reason, the new festivities don't seem to have appeared in your game come July 30, then maybe you need to make sure your Switch downloaded the second Summer update.

  1. From the Nintendo Switch's Home menu, hover over the Animal Crossing: New Horizons icon.
  2. Press + and the game information will display.
  3. Scroll down to Software Update.
  4. Select Via the Internet. The Switch will check for any new versions and will download them if necessary.
  5. Select OK.

Once these steps have been taken, your Switch will search for any Animal Crossing: New Horizons updates it might not have already. Hopefully, that solves the issue and allows you to take part in the summer festivities.

How to visit another player's dream island

It's really simple once your Switch has received the most recent Animal Crossing update.

  1. Make your character flop onto a mattress and select Yeah, I want to sleep...
  2. You'll be whisked away to dreamland where you'll encounter your dream guide, a tapir named Luna. She will tell you all about dreaming and answer any questions you may have.
  3. After you've learned all you want to, select I want to dream.

  4. She will tell you a little more about dream islands. When she is done talking select Yes, I am!
  5. Enter the Dream Address of the friend's island you want to visit.

  6. Luna will ask you to verify that she's found the right island. Respond with Yes, it is!
  7. After a brief internet communication, you will arrive on the intended island. Feel free to explore as much as you wish. Whenever you're ready to leave, simply get back on the mattress that you arrived on.

  8. Then select I want to wake up!

How to share your dream island with others

  1. Make your character flop onto a mattress and select Yeah, I want to sleep...
  2. You'll be whisked away to dreamland where you'll find Luna.
  3. Tap I'd like to share a dream.

  4. Select I'm ready.
  5. Luna will take some time to connect your island to the internet before giving you your Dream Address. Write down the numbers that appear and share the code with your friends.

How to adjust Dream Address privacy

  1. Your Dream Address automatically gets added to your Passport and map. To change this, talk to Luna again by saying About the dream I shared...
  2. Then select Adjust Dream Address privacy.

  3. After than select Yes. Make it private.

How to update your Dream Address

  1. Luna can update your dream island once per day. To do this, make your character flop onto a mattress and select Yeah, I want to sleep...
  2. Now select About the dream I shared...

  3. Then select Update the dream.

How to delete your dream

  1. Make your character flop onto a mattress and select Yeah, I want to sleep...
  2. You'll be whisked away to dreamland and encounter Luna.
  3. She will tell you all about dreaming. After that, select I want to dream.

  4. Select Delete the dream.

Dream machine

Now you can traipse around other people's gorgeous islands whenever you want and without needing the host to be present. More importantly, you can show off your decorating prowess to others online without worrying about them causing any damage to your beautiful village.

Have fun out there and enjoy these new aspects to Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

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