Thursday, July 30, 2020

There are so many ways to improve upon the Nintendo Switch 2

I love the Nintendo Switch, but it's far from being a perfect console.

It's hard to believe that the Nintendo Switch has already been out for over three years. The hybrid system initially released back in early 2017, but since then, Nintendo has released an upgraded version as well as the smaller, handheld-only Nintendo Switch Lite. With only three years into the Switch console's lifespan, we're still far away from Nintendo releasing its next-gen gaming systems. This is further corroborated by the fact that Nintendo themselves stated that the company wouldn't be releasing another Switch system in 2020.

I freaking love the Nintendo Switch, but as many players will attest, it definitely isn't perfect. So, while we shouldn't expect a Nintendo Switch 2 or other next-gen Nintendo console anytime soon, we can still dream of what may come. Here are the 10 features we need to see in the Nintendo Switch 2.

1. Revamped controllers

Anyone who has experienced their character running in one direction without any provocation or has unexpectedly had their Joy-Con disconnect during a crucial moment knows how frustrating it can be to play with a defective controller. Rampant Joy-Con drift and connectivity issues don't say much for the longevity of the Switch. Seeing as it is such a common issue, Nintendo needs to seriously overhaul the controller design for future consoles to create something that won't have these complications.

Preferably the controllers that come with the Nintendo Switch 2 will still be removable, as that has been one of the most innovative things about this gaming system. However, I sincerely hope they will have a more ergonomic feel to them, seeing as how the Joy-Cons are a bit small and make my hands uncomfortable during long gaming sessions. I'd also want the joysticks, buttons, and D-pad to be a little larger, as this would also improve the overall experience. Of course, accomplishing this without making the next console too big would be a feat, but I'm sure it's achievable.

2. Bigger screen

The 6.2-inch screen on the Nintendo Switch definitely isn't bad, but it can only handle 720p in handheld mode and 1080p while docked. It would be really nice if the display on Nintendo's next-gen console was a few inches larger and could handle 1080p in handheld mode while also supporting 4k when docked to a TV. Nintendo tends to focus on the playing experience more than it does on the graphics capabilities, so I would be shocked if the display output was more powerful than that.

3. Smoother docking

The glass covering the screen on my Nintendo Switch has gotten permanently scuffed from the repeated action of moving the console to and from the dock. The next Switch system needs to have some kind of docking design that doesn't make me feel nervous about plugging my console into the TV. This could be achieved by creating a softer plastic dock that still feels protective without getting as close to the Switch display.

4. Bluetooth capabilities

I really was flabbergasted when I first discovered that the current Nintendo Switch didn't support wireless headphone connectivity. Regardless of their reasoning, Nintendo needs to make it possible for people to connect their favorite Bluetooth headsets, earbuds, and headphones to the Nintendo Switch 2. True, people can get around this by using a Bluetooth audio adapter, but this technology really ought to have been bult into the console. This is especially true given that the Switch is meant to be used on the go. Many people don't want to mess with wires while commuting or traveling with the Switch.

5. More color options

I have several thoughts on this score. First off, I'm a bit of a symmetry freak, so while I enjoy the fun two-part coloring of the current Joy-Cons, I really want the next console to feature more controllers of the same color. Additionally, aside from the beautiful and rare Animal Crossing Switch, all current Switch consoles have featured a black backing. We need to see more color options for the casing as well as the controllers. I know I'd put an order in for an all green special addition Zelda Switch in a heartbeat.

6. Sturdy kickstand

When I first pulled my Nintendo Switch from the packaging, I was in awe of this clever little device that would allow me to play in handheld mode, docked to a TV, or in tabletop mode. But then I turned the console over and saw just how flimsy and small the kickstand was and the magic was diminished ever so slightly. I've used the built-in kickstand while commuting using my local rail system and on several uneven surfaces over the years.

The constant jostling of the train or the gradual slope of a park bench has caused my Switch to tip over several times in the last few years, which finally inspired me to purchase this reliable playstand. but people shouldn't have to purchase an accessory for something the Nintendo Switch was designed to do. Nintendo seriously needs to create a better kickstand in future Switch models. Preferably something that runs along the entire bottom of the console to hold it up more effectively.

7. Longer battery life

When the Nintendo Switch V2 released in 2019, we saw a significant upgrade to the battery life. While this definitely made a difference for my on-the-go playing sessions, I'd love a battery that lasts even longer. This would be especially helpful for those long road trips or other situations where hours of Switch entertainment are so very useful for passing the time. Right now you can always purchase an external battery pack of some kind, but it would just be nicer if we didn't have to rely on these power banks as much in the future.

8. Customizable user interface

The current Switch console's user interface is one of the most boring ones I've seen on a gaming system. Aside from choosing between a light or dark theme, there's nothing you can really do to customize the home menu. Even the 3DS allowed you to purchase and decorate your user interface with wallpapers.

I'd love to plaster Breath of the Wild's Link all over the background of my main menu. Whenever I became excited for a new upcoming title, I'd likely swap out the image to feed my excitement. It's like free, self-induced marketing and Nintendo really is missing out on this front.

9. Hefty internal storage

With only 32 GB of internal storage, the Nintendo Switch offers the worst onboard memory of any recent console. To put it in perspective, the regular PlayStation 4 and Xbox One both offer 500 GB. Granted, the Switch doesn't have the best graphics or the strongest processors compared to those systems, but 32 GB is barely enough space to hold three major games. That basically means that you're required to purchase additional storage for the Switch. That being the case, the Nintendo Switch 2 must at least offer a sizeable increase in internal storage. Preferably enough to hold six to 10 large games before players even need to consider purchasing a microSD card or other storage device.

10. Improved screen capture capabilities

I take several screenshots and videos while playing my Nintendo Switch and I cannot tell you how frustrating this console's sharing capabilities are. Currently, players must rely on capture cards if they want to share anything more than 30 seconds of gameplay or want to have any say on when and where a video starts recording. Then when it comes time to share your screenshots and videos with others, you can only share a grand total of four files at a time unless you want to take the time to remove your microSD card from your console and then plug it into a computer. That isn't nearly enough for those of us who like to show off our favorite moments with others, and the other method of removing the memory card is a rather tedious way to go about things.

The Nintendo Switch 2 needs to have better screen capture and sharing capabilities. If there must be an image sharing cap, raise it to at least 10 images, preferably more. And while capture cards are definitely important for streamers, the average person should have more options for taking videos that don't require them to make that expensive purchase.

Nintendo of the future

As we said before, it's probably a long way out before the next Nintendo console comes to the market. However, we can still dream of what may come with the Nintendo Switch console's successor. Hopefully, Nintendo will make these improvements to give us the best experience we can get from the fabled Nintendo Switch 2.

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