Thursday, August 6, 2020

The tricks to evolving your Eevee in Pokémon Go!

How to control Eevee evolution for Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon!

Eevee - the Evolution Pokémon: no other Pokémon has so much potential. With seven different "Eeveelutions" (and one more on the way!) this Normal type Pokémon can be evolved into a Water, Electric, Fire, Psychic, Dark, Grass, or Ice type. But, before you go hitting evolve and hoping the random number generator grants you the Eeveelution of your choice, read our guide on how to evolve Eevee.

All the Eevee nickname tricks

When Pokémon Go launched, there were no evolution stones - items from the core games that allow you to evolve certain Pokémon. Eevee's first three evolutions require these special items to evolve, so Pokémon Go left Eevee's evolution up to chance. However, the folks over at Niantic did hide a little Easter eggs in game. If you rename an Eevee to these nicknames, they'll evolve into exactly the Eeveelution you want, but you can only use each one once per account:

Remember, it only works once for each. After that, you're back to random chance, special lure modules, or walking with Eevee as your buddy. So, choose wisely. Pick the highest stat (IV) and highest CP Eevee you can for each one.

How do you evolve more Glaceon or Leafeon in Pokemon Go?

If you've already used the nickname trick and want to get another Leafeon or Glaceon, these two Eeveelutions can be controled in game. If all you do is hit the Evolve button, you can only get a Vaporeon, Flareon, or Jolteon. To get Leafeon or Glaceon, it takes the new special Lure Mods:

To evolve Eevee into Leafeon:

  1. Make sure you have the 25 Eevee Candy you need for the evolution.
  2. Buy a Mossy Lure Module from the PokéShop for 200 PokéCoins (there are rare opportunities to get these as rewards, but most likely, you will have to buy one - the good news is, it's good for as many Eevee as your or anyone nearby can evolve!)
  3. Use the Mossy Lure Module on a PokéStop.
  4. Spin the PokéStop.
  5. Choose the Eevee you want to evolve. Hint: If you've done this correctly, you will see Leafeon's icon instead of a question mark.
  6. Hit the Evolve button.

To evolve Eevee into Glaceon:

  1. Make sure you have the 25 Eevee Candy you need for the evolution.
  2. Buy a Glacial Lure Module from the PokéShop for 200 PokéCoins (there are rare opportunities to get these as rewards, but most likely, you will have to buy one- the good news is, it's good for as many Eevee as your or anyone nearby can evolve!)
  3. Use the Glacial Lure module on a PokéStop.
  4. Spin the PokéStop.
  5. Choose the Eevee you want to evolve. Hint: If you've done this correctly you will see Glaceon's icon instead of a question mark.
  6. Hit the Evolve button.

How do you evolve more Umbreon or Espeon in Pokémon Go?

If you've already used the nickname trick, and want to get another Umbreon or Espeon, these two Eeveelutions can also be controlled in Pokémon Go. If you just hit the Evolve button, you will get either Vaporeon, Flareon, or Jolteon completely at random. To get Umbreon or Espeon, you need to raise your Buddy Pokémon's Friendship level:

  1. Make the Eevee you want to evolve your Buddy.
  2. Walk with your Eevee Buddy for at least 10 KM and earn two at least Eevee candy. (You need to have earned two candy for this to work.)
  3. While that Eevee is still your Buddy, hit the Evolve button during the day to get Espeon, or at night to get Umbreon.

You can swap out Eevee for another Buddy, but you'll have to swap Eevee back to being your Buddy before you try to evolve Umbreon or Espeon.

What about Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon?

Unfortunately, the original three Eeveelutions are still random. Once you've used the nickname trick, you're pretty much stuck to the random number generator. Fortunately, Eevee is very common (in fact, one just spawned in my driveway!) and Trading is still an option.

Are there Shiny Eevee and Eeveelutions? Can you control those?

Like almost all other Shinies, you can only catch or hatch Eevee its Shiny form. If you want any of the Eeveelutions to be Shiny, you'll need to evolve them the same way you evolve any Eevee. The nickname trick will work if you haven't used it already. Otherwise, you'll need to evolve them just like any other Eevee. The same goes for the flower crown costumed Eevee.

Any Pokémon Go Eevee evolution questions?

Do you have any questions about evolving Eevee in Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex, as well as our many other Pokémon Go guides, so you too can become a Pokémon Master!

The tricks to evolving your Eevee in Pokémon Go! posted first on

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