Monday, November 16, 2020

Cobalion is back in Pokémon Go for one week

The leader of the Swords of Justice, Cobalion is back and we have everything you need to know to beat this Legendary Raid Boss!

Until Tuesday November 24, 2020 Cobalion is back in Legendary Raids in Pokémon Go, along with the other Swords of Justice. Their availability will overlap with the Pokémon GO Pokémon HOME celebration event. We're here to walk you through building the perfect team for taking on this Legendary Pokémon!

Who is Cobalion and what are the Swords of Justice?

Like most Legendary Pokémon, Cobalion is one of a set. This particular set is known as the Swords of Justice and Cobalion is their leader. Based on The Three Musketeers, Cobalion represents Athos, the oldest and de facto leader of the group. The other three members of the group are Terrakion (a Rock and Fighting-type) representing Porthos, the strongest member of the group, Virizion (a Grass and Fighting-type) representing Aramis, the feminine and romantic member of the group, and Keldeo (a Water and Fighting-type with two forms) representing d'Artagnan, the young new addition to the group.

While these four form a quartet in both the core games and their own Pokémon movie, Keldeo will be introduced later on and perhaps in a different way. Given that Keldeo is a Mythical Pokémon, not a Legendary like the other Swords of Justice, it would be in keeping with how other Mythical Pokémon have been handled in Pokémon Go.

When Cobalion was first introduced, it left much to be desired, but now that its signature move, Sacred Sword, has been introduced, it can finally live up to its potential.

What are the best counters for Cobalion in Pokémon Go?

A Steel and Fighting type Pokémon, Cobalion is capable of dealing Steel, Fighting, Psychic, and Rock type damage, and it takes double damage from Fighting, Fire, and Ground type attacks. This means its moveset makes a pretty big difference. Also, with the introduction of Mega Evolution, there are three different Mega Evolved Pokémon who can boost the attack power of any Fire type counters.

Mega Charizard Y

One of the Mega Evolutions of Gen I's Fire starter, Charmander, Mega Charizard Y is the best counter for Cobalion. If it were possible to bring more than one Mega Evolved Pokémon, a team of Mega Charizard Y could wipe the floor with this Sword of Justice. The restrictions of Mega Pokémon, not to mention the difficulty of Mega Raids mean that can't happen, but you can bring along one Mega Charizard. This Fire and Flying type takes half damage from Steel and half damage from Fire, but quad damage from Rock. Fire Spin and Blast Burn are the moves you'll want your Mega Charizard Y to know for this fight.

Mega Charizard X

A close second, Mega Charizard X is a superb counter for Cobalion. As a Fire and Dragon type, it doesn't resist Cobalion's Fighting type attacks like Mega Charizard Y, but it only takes half damage from Rock type attacks. I wouldn't reccomend Mega Evolving this Pokémon just for this Raid, but if you already have one Mega Evolved, it is your best option. You'll also want your Mega Charizard X to know Fire Spin and Blast Burn for this fight.


The Legendary Dragon and Fire type, Reshiram is an excellent counter for Cobalion, but unfortunately, it was introduced to Pokémon Go in the midst of the pandemic and so has had extremely limited availability. Many players don't even have one, much less the Candies to power it up. Still, if you're lucky enough to have a high CP Reshiram, you'll want it to know Fire Fang and Overheat for this Raid.


A Fighting a Steel type first encountered in the Sinnoh region of Gen IV, Lucario takes half damage from Steel type attacks and quarter damage from Rock, but double damage from Fighting. Still, with Counter and Aura Sphere, it out performs other Fighting types in this Raid. It's first stage is still relatively uncommon though, showing up exclusively in eggs, so you might not have more than one or two powered up.

Mega Houndoom

Yet another Mega Pokémon for the list, Mega Houndoom is the Mega Evolved version of Gen II's Houndoom. As a Dark and Fire type takes double damage from both Rock and Fighting type attacks, but it resists Steel and only takes quarter damage from Psychic. Plus, as a Mega Pokémon, it will boost the damage of other Fire types in the Raid. Fire Fang and Flamethrower is the moveset you're looking for.


A Fighting type originally encounters in Gen V's Unova region, Conkeldurr is more accessible and affordable than most of the Pokémon on this list. This is because its first stage, Timburr has been featured in events, and it benefits from Trade Evolution, leaving lots of Candy left over to power it up. It takes double damage from Zen Headbutt, but only half from Stone Edge. You'll want your Conkeldurr to know Counter and Dynamic Punch for this Raid.


A Ghost and Fire type originally encountered in Gen V's Unova region, Chandelure performs very well in this fight. Its first stage, Litwick has been featured in multiple events, including both last year's and this year's Halloween, so lots of players have at least a couple powered up. As a Ghost and Fire type, Chandelure takes half damage from Steel and quarter damage from Fighting, but double damage from Rock. You'll want your Chandelure to know Fire Spin and Overheat for this Raid.


Darmanitan is a unique Gen V Pokémon whose typing changes across multiple formes; however, the standard Unovan forme is the one you'll want to bring to fight Cobalion. As a pure fire type, it takes double damage from Rock and half damage from Steel, and it only has two stages, making it inexpensive to power up. Fire Fang and Overheat is the ideal moveset for this Raid.


The Legendary Fire and Flying type of Gen I's Kanto region, Moltres has been available in a number of Raids and events, as a Shadow Pokémon and even as a Research Breakthrough Reward. Many players have entire teams of high IV Moltres already powered up. It takes half damage from Steel and Fighting, but if you're going up against a Stone Edge Cobalion, you should leave Moltres on the bench, as it takes quad damage from Rock. Fire Spin and Overheat are the ideal moveset for this fight.


A Fighting type from Gen I, Machamp has been around since the start of Pokémon Go. It's been featured in a number of events and its first stage, Machop is pretty common to begin with, so you likely already have a few fully powered up. It takes half damage from Rock and double damage from Psychic. If you're bringing Machamp along, you'll want it to know Counter and Dynamic Punch.

Back ups

You might not have a full team of the best counters, especially considering how many are Mega Evolved or Legendary Pokémon. Fortunately, there are plenty of other Pokémon that make for solid counters. If you're trying to fill a spot or two in your raid team, consider one of these back ups:

  • Blaziken with Counter and Blast Burn
  • Heatran with Fire Spin and Flamethrower
  • Excadrill with Mud-Slap and Drill Run
  • Groudon with Mud Shot and Earthquake
  • Entei with Fire Fang and Overheat
  • Landorus with Mud Shot and Earth Power
  • Victini with Quick Attack and V Create
  • Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earthquake
  • Breloom with Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Hariyama with Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Mega Gengar with Lick and Focus Blast

Shadow Pokémon

The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events, it's possible to change their moves with TMs. If you happen to have Shadow versions of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this Raid:

Note: Shadow Machamp and Shadow Entei outperform all of the best, non-Mega counters. Likewise, Shadow Arcanine, Shadow Magmortar, and Shadow Mewtwo all perform at the same level as the Pokémon in the best counters list. If you are able to coordinate the use of either Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and/or Mega Houndoom, they will boost all Fire type attackers on the field, making Shadow Moltres and Shadow Charizard far more competitive.

How many players does it take to beat Cobalion?

While it is technically possible for just two top level Trainers with excellent counters to take on Cobalion, if you're not bringing Mega Evolved Pokémon, Shadow Pokémon, or are just lower level, you may need as many as five. Weather Conditions that may play into the battle include:

  • Cloudy Weather will boost Cobalion's Fighting type attack, as well as your Fighting type counters.
  • Windy Weather will boost Cobalion's Psychic type attack.
  • Snow will boost Cobalion's Steel type attacks.
  • Partly Cloudy Weather will boost Cobalion's Rock type attack.
  • Sunny/Clear Weather will boost your Fire type counters, and if you happen to be brigning any Ground types.

Questions about taking on Cobalion?

There you have it. With these Pokémon, Cobalion should be an easy addition to your Pokédex. Do you have any questions? Drop them in the comments below and be sure to check out our Best Portable Battery Packs guide so you can keep your phone charged while you're out Raiding!

Cobalion is back in Pokémon Go for one week posted first on

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