Tuesday, December 8, 2020

This concept mixes Apple Watch and iPhone 12 together with stunning results

What you need to know

  • The return of squared edges to iPhone 12 has been well received. Would the same change work on Apple Watch?

Where do I order?

The return of the squared-off edges to iPhone with the arrival of iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro has been well received, but what if Apple was to do the same thing with Apple Watch? What if it went all angular and did away with the bar of soap shape we've enjoyed for the last few years?

It'd look amazing if this concept is anything to go by. 🤤

Check it out.

Wilson, the person behind the concept, promised another version of the same concept with a thinner chassis and, true to their word, that's exactly what we got. Both the originals – first spotted by 9to5Mac – and the second attempt are above. I'm a big fan of them both for different reasons – the first renders are definitely a big ol' chunk of watch. But I kinda like it, don't you?

Whichever you prefer, there's no denying that putting angular sides on an Apple Watch instantly makes it look cleaner and, arguably, more modern. With iPad Air, iPad Pro, and now iPhones all getting similar designs what are the chances of Apple Watch going the same route?

I'd put my order in now, sight unseen.

This concept mixes Apple Watch and iPhone 12 together with stunning results posted first on http://bestpricesmartphones.blogspot.com

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