Friday, July 16, 2021

Find all the Goddess Cubes in the Skyward Sword HD with this handy guide

Uncover the ancient mysteries of the Goddess and find all of the Goddess Cubes!

To honor the Legend of Zelda's 35th Anniversary, Nintendo has given us fans a beautiful remake of Skyward Sword in HD. While it may have ruffled some feathers during its Wii debut, the much-needed updates may just earn this title the love it deserves. But heading back to Skyloft means that Link will be hunting down every last collectible on his journey beneath the clouds in a world long abandoned by Hyrulians. One such collectible is an ornate, metallic box left behind by the Goddess, Hylia.

Unlike typical treasure chests, these Goddess Cubes require a little finesse to unlock the treasures inside, and the rewards are pretty great. Players can find pieces of heart, gold rupees, and more locked away in these mysterious ordained relics. You just have to find them first. Here's how the Goddess Cubes work and where you can find them.

How to unlock Goddess Cubes

Uncovering hidden treasure isn't a walk in the park. In his travels below the clouds, Link encounters a Goron named Gorko who is researching the Goddess Cubes. While these artifacts were left behind for the hero, there's a special way to unlock them. Players must use the Skyward Strike. To do this Link must:

  1. Raise the Skyward Sword up.
  2. The Goddess will charge the sword with her blessing.
  3. When fully charged, swing your sword to release a powerful blast.

Once you find a Goddess Cube, you just have to charge up and strike it. The cube will transform and beam up into the Sky. From there, you have to track down whatever treasure you unlocked up in The Sky Realm. Unfortunately, both the Goddess Cubes and Chests can be tricky to find and sometimes require special items. Most of the cubes can be found as the story progresses, and quite a few are crucial if you want to expand your inventory or heart bar.

Don't worry; we've found them all so you don't have to. Let's dive in.

Goddess Cube locations 1 - 5

Before we go on the hunt, please note that the Goddess Cubes don't have a specific order. We've numbered them to help you keep track as you play, and the order is based on the Cube's availability. While you might be able to spot some Goddess Cubes sooner, you may not be able to access them until later in the game.

Also, there's no time limit when it comes to collecting the Goddess Chest after you've unlocked the corresponding cube. There's no need to rush to the skies unless you really want that treasure right away. With that, let's go treasure hunting!

Goddess Cube #1

Location: Deep Woods

How to get it: The first cube is hard to spot. After speaking with Gorko in the Deep Woods, it's right next to him. You can find the Cube and Gorko after crossing the tightropes.

Goddess Chest #1

Location: Pumpkin Landing

Reward: Adventure Pouch upgrade

How to get it: Like the first Goddess Cube, the chest is pretty easy to locate. Head up on your Loftwing and over to Pumpkin Landing. Sitting just outside the Lumpy Pumpkin's entrance is the Goddess Chest and one additional slot for your Adventure pouch.

Goddess Cube #2

Location: Deep Woods

How to get it: Cube #2 is found sitting just outside the Skyview Temple along the path.

Goddess Chest #2

Location: An island in The Sky

Reward: Piece of Heart

How to get it: Near Pumpkin Landing, there's a small island. Calculate your jump and grab yourself a Piece of Heart.

Goddess Cube #3

Location: Skyview Temple

How to get it: You can find the next chest after completing the Skyview Temple sequence. Behind the Goddess statue, you'll find the next cube hidden away. Be sure to grab it before heading out so you don't have to backtrack.

Goddess Chest #3

Location: Pumpkin Landing

Reward: Gold Rupee

How to get it: We can't get enough of Pumpkin Landing! The third Goddess Chest is a little more tricky to get. You'll have to time your jump just right and guide your way to the top of the canvas awning. Stick the landing, and you got yourself 300 rupees.

Goddess Cube #4

Location: Eldin Volcano

How to get it: Moving on to the next area, you can find the fourth Goddess Cube near the Eldin Volcano. After landing, move forward slightly, and on the first left, you can drop down the ledge for this cube.

Goddess Chest #4

Location: An island in The Sky

Reward: Small seed satchel

How to get it: Another chest located on a random island. It can be found just to the west of Fun Fun Island.

Goddess Cube #5

Location: Eldin Volcano

How to get it: After learning all about Bomb Flowers from Mogma, you can search for the next Goddess Cube. Go past the Bird Statue where the path splits three ways. You can drop off the ledge on your left. Once you do, turn right or go straight to find the cube.

Goddess Chest #5

Location: An island in The Sky

Reward: Silver Rupee

How to get it: An island sits between Beedle's Island and Bamboo Island. Drop down to the upper ledge and pick yourself up 100 rupees!

Goddess Cube locations 6 - 10

While the first five Goddess Chests didn't require any extra effort after unlocking the Goddess Cubes, a few chests going forward might take a little extra work. Before you unlock these Goddess Chests, you'll have to complete the requirements first.

Goddess Cube #6

Location: Eldin Volcano

How to get it: As you pass through Eldin Volcano, you'll discover a small volcano. Inside, you'll find the next Goddess Cube, but you'll have to guide Link as he falls. Jump into the volcano and guide Link to the rock platform to the right. You may have to use your Sailcloth to get there as well.

If you miss it, that's OK! You can jump off the platform, jump on the air geyser to the north, and circle around for another shot.

Goddess Chest #6

Location: Isle of Songs

Reward: Gold Rupee

Requirements: Restore the Light Tower

How to get it: Once you've restored the Light Tower, you can claim this chest. You can find it on the right side of the Isle of Songs on the lower level. Hop on down and claim your shiny Gold Rupee.

Goddess Cube #7

Location: Eldin Volcano

How to get it: At the west entrance of the Earth Temple, you'll find some soft soil locations. Throw on those Digging Mitts and dive in to uncover an air geyser. Next to the geyser is a bolder. Toss a bomb flower into the whirlwind to blow up the giant rock, and you've found Goddess Cube #7.

Goddess Chest #7

Location: Bamboo Island

Reward: Gold Rupee

Requirements: None

How to get it: Just northeast of Skyloft, you'll find Bamboo Island. Head behind the building, and you'll be 300 Rupees richer.

Goddess Cube #8

Location: Eldin Volcano

How to get it: Go back to the Earth Temple entrance and head east this time. You'll find a bunch of Bokoblins and their huts. Dispatch the baddies and head to the ramp behind them. The Goddess Cube will be waiting at the bottom.

Goddess Chest #8

Location: Island in The Sky

Reward: Treasure Medal

Requirements: None

How to get it: You'll find this chest on a small island just southeast of Beedle's Island. Aim for the high ground and work your way down the vines. The chest is just past the gated region.

Goddess Cube #9

Location: Eldin Volcano

How to get it: Just to the northeast, you'll find a huge sand slide. Guide Link down the slide and to the left into the air geyser to reach the higher platform. Right in front of the platform is a lower platform with the Cube.

Goddess Chest #9

Location: Skyloft

Reward: Piece of Heart

Requirements: Water Dragon's Scale

How to get it: You'll need to get wet for this chest. Once you've received the Water Dragon's Scale, jump into Skyloft's main river. There's an underwater passage at the windmill's base. This passage leads to a small pond in the storage shed, and the chest should be right nearby.

Goddess Cube #10

Location: Lanayru Mine

How to get it: Out of the fire and into the mine. At the very start of Lanayru Mine, head to the far south. You'll spot Goddess Cube #10 right away.

Goddess Chest #10

Location: Island in The Sky

Reward: Silver Rupee

Requirements: None

How to get it: We're back to the island just southeast of Beedle's Island. This time, drop to the lower area and blow up the rock wall to find your chest and score 100 rupees.

Goddess Cube locations 11 - 15

Goddess Cube #11

Location: Lanayru Desert

How to get it: The next cube is located in the southwest region of the Lanayru Desert. You'll need a little help from the Hook Beetle. Use the Hook Beetle to grab a bob and drop it on the Ampilus. You can use its shell, so jump on it quick. Make sure your stamina meter is full and make a run for it over the sinking sands to reach the next cube.

Goddess Chest #11

Location: Island in The Sky

Reward: Heart Medal

Requirements: None

How to get it: Just east of the Lanayru beam of light, you'll find an island with a small volcano. This chest sits just outside on the outer ring.

Goddess Cube #12

Location: Temple of Time

How to get it: Just to the northwest of the Temple of Time, you'll find a minecart. Use the Timeshift Stone to activate it and ride it through the gap. You'll have to hit this next Goddess Cube on the move, but don't worry; just jump back on the cart to try again if you miss.

Goddess Chest #12

Location: Beedle's Island

Reward: Piece of Heart

Requirements: None

How to get it: This chest is sitting just above Beedle's cave. Hop on down and grab yourself a piece of heart.

Goddess Cube #13

Location: Faron Woods

How to get it: You'll need the Water Dragon's Scale for this cube. Take a swim inside the Great Tree and as you exit, look down. Just below, you'll see the next Goddess Cube. Hop down on the west side of the tree and smack it with a sky strike.

Goddess Chest #13

Location: Skyloft

Reward: Silver Rupee

Requirements: None

How to get it: South of the Knight Academy is a small island separate from the rest of Skyloft. Dive off the platform and guide Link to the island to access the chest.

Goddess Cube #14

Location: Faron Woods

How to get it: This is another one for the Dragon's Scale. Climb to the top of the Great Tree. Head outside and walk counter-clockwise to the southeast side of the tree. Look down, and there's Cube #14. Be careful as you drop down, and use the Sailcloth if needed. If you are having trouble, you can always return with the Double Clawshots.

Goddess Chest #14

Location: Island in The Sky

Reward: Piece of Heart

Requirements: Double Clawshots

How to get it: This chest is located on an island east of the Lanayru beacon. It's sitting on the high ledge of the inner island, and there are a few ways to go about getting it. For easy access, you can use the clawshots to swing your way over. However, if you don't want to wait, you can try skydiving and gliding Link to the ledge. Either way, once you reach the chest, you'll be one piece of heart stronger.

Goddess Cube #15

Location: Faron Woods

How to get it: Climb to the top of the Great Tree and meet Kikwi. You may notice an area that sticks out a little towards the view platform. Just south, hang on the ledge and look down below. You'll spot the next Goddess Cube and a tightrope leading right to it. Position yourself above the platform with the tightrope, and drop down. Carefully cross the rope and smack that Goddess Cube.

Goddess Chest #15

Location: Thunderhead

Reward: Rupee Medal

Requirements: Restore the Light Tower

How to get it: This chest is located just northeast of the Isle of Songs on Thunderhead. Take care of the Walltulas on the vines, climb up, and snag the chest. Oh, and if you have your Digging Mitts, there's a soft soil spot here too.

Goddess Cube locations 16 - 20

Goddess Cube #16

Location: Lake Floria

How to get it: As you work your way through this area, you'll come across a Bird Statue on the surface. Walk the back end of the cavern and the next Goddess Cube.

Goddess Chest #16

Location: Skyloft

Reward: Gold Rupee

Requirements: Double Clawshots

How to get it: You'll find this Goddess Chest on the cluster of floating islands to the west of Skyloft, one which has a big waterfall. Use the Clawshots to latch to the vines hanging down the edges and climb up to the big island. Once you're at the top, dive and glide to the island with the chest to get 300 rupees richer.

Goddess Cube #17

Location: Lanayru Desert

How to get it: Back in the desert heat, you'll find this cube in the northeast section. To get to the cube, you'll have to blow up a wall first. Spot the crack in the wall in the northeast region, and bust it up. Pass through the corridor and use your Clawshots to reach the Goddess Cube.

Goddess Chest #17

Location: Island in The Sky

Reward: Heart Medal

Requirements: Water Dragon's Scale

How to get it: Just to the west of Beedle's Island, you'll find a small island in the northwestern sky. Head to the lower part of the island and into the pool. Use the swim dash to launch yourself onto the platform and reach the Goddess Chest.

Goddess Cube #18

Location: Lanayru Desert

How to get it: Southeast of the Lanayru Mining Facility, you'll spot a high platform. Use your Clawshots to scale it and grab the next Goddess Cube.

Goddess Chest #18

Location: Island in The Sky

Reward: Life Medal

Requirements: None

How to get it: Northwest of Fun Fun Island, you'll find an island you've visited previously. This time, head to the vines and climb down to the bottom of the island to obtain a Life Medal.

Goddess Cube #19

Location: Lanayru Sand Sea

How to get it: This cube is found right where you meet Skipper. It's at the north end entrance of the port. To get it, use your Clawshots to grab one of the boxes to reach the cavern. Beware of the Arachas on the ceiling. Take them out and smack the cube with a sky strike.

Goddess Chest #19

Location: Bazaar

Reward: Gold Rupee

Requirements: None

How to get it: This one is pretty easy. Head to the storage area behind Gondo's Scrap Shop in the Bazaar and grab those sweet, sweet rupees.

Goddess Cube #20

Location: Skipper's Retreat

How to get it: This cube is located on one of the pillars near Skipper's Retreat. Past the bridge with the Moblin near the Quadro Baba, you'll spot the pillar to the left. Clawshot yourself to the vines, climb around it, and clawshot to the pillar with the cube.

Goddess Chest #20

Location: Island in The Sky

Reward: Potion Medal

Requirements: Double Clawshots

How to get it: Back on the island northwest of Fun Fun Island, dive to the smaller platform opposite the gate. There's an opening just above the bars. Use the Clawshots to grab onto some vines and drop down to the Goddess Chest.

Goddess Cube locations 21 - 25

Goddess Cube #21

Location: Pirate Stronghold

How to get it: Once you finish the dungeon and exit, turn right around. There'll be a target above the door. Clawshot it and follow the targets to the next Goddess Cube.

Goddess Chest #21

Location: Skyloft

Reward: Piece of Heart

Requirements: Double Clawshots

How to get it: This Goddess Cube is at the top of the island waterfall. Use the Clawshots to snag the vines on the floating rocks outside the Waterfall Cave, and continue to clawshot your way up the waterfall.

Goddess Cube #22

Location: Deep Woods

How to get it: This cube is just above the Skyview Temple entrance. Head to the right and look up for the vines. Clawshot up to the top of the temple and the next Goddess Cube.

Goddess Chest #22

Location: Beedle's Island

Reward: Rupee Medal

Requirements: None

How to get it: This one requires a bit of finesse. You can only do it at night, so head to Beedle's Air Shop and sleep in his bed. Once you wake yourself, climb the ladder and hop into his little side dwelling where he keeps the Goddess Chest.

Goddess Cube #23

Location: Lake Floria

How to get it: Just outside the Ancient Cistern, face the path to the Water Dragon. Look up and to the left, and you'll spot some vines. Clawshot up and grab the next Goddess Cube.

Goddess Chest #23

Location: Island in The Sky

Reward: Gold Rupee

Requirements: None

How to get it: There's a small island located just below Fun Fun Island. Head over on your Loftwing and snag that shiny Gold Rupee.

Goddess Cube #24

Location: Volcano Summit

How to get it: The next cube is located right near the waterfall area. There's a ledge where Link can dive off, and you'll have to guide him down to a pillar using the Sailcloth.

Goddess Chest #24

Location: Bug Rock

Reward: Piece of Heart

Requirements: Restore the Light Tower

How to get it: Bug Rock is located inside the Thunderhead. Once there, the chest is located on a small wooden ledge to the southwest. Head to the top and onto the overhang, just above the water. Look below for the wooden platform and hop down to claim your prize.

Goddess Cube #25

Location: Volcano Summit

How to get it: As you face the entrance of the Fire Sanctuary, to the left, you'll see a window. Climb out, and you'll see several pillars. Use your Clawshot to reach the next Goddess Cube.

Goddess Chest #25

Location: Isle of Songs

Reward: Small Bomb Bag

Requirements: Restore the Light Tower

How to get it: This one is right on top of the main tower. Open it, and you'll get a Small Bomb Bag.

Goddess Cube locations 26 - 27

Goddess Cube #26

Location: Volcano Summit

How to get it: You can find this next cube during the Song of the Hero quest. As you enter Volcano Summit, you'll find it in the room to the right. You can either climb the floating platforms or, if you have the True Master Sword, get close to the edge and try to reach it.

Goddess Chest #26

Location: Thunderhead

Reward: Bottle

Requirements: Mogma Mitts

How to get it: Southwest of the Isle of Songs, you'll see an island with only one spot to land. You'll need the Mogma Mits to dig into the hold. Inside you'll encounter a Moldorm. Beat it or sneak past and climb out the bottom hole. Climb the vines, and you'll uncover the Goddess Chest.

Goddess Cube #27

Location: Lanayru Gorge

How to get it: You can find this Cube during the Song of the Hero quest. Located in the northeast corner of the Lanayru Gorge map, it will be close to where you plant the Life Tree Seedling.

Goddess Chest #27

Location: Thunderhead

Reward: Small Quiver

Requirements: Mogma Mitts

How to get it: You can find this chest on the island southwest of the Isle of Songs. Head into the underground cavern, take care of the Moldorm, and climb out of the upper hole to grab the last Goddess Chest.

Blessings from Hylia

Finally, you've grabbed every last Goddess Cube and chest. If you miss a few, no worries. You can always retrace your steps and pick up any of the cubes or chests later. However, you may want to grab some of them as early as possible, like the Bottle or those Pieces of Heart. Either way, finding all the cubes in Skyward Sword HD should be the perfect distraction as we wait for Breath of the Wild 2. Or you can just play another Zelda game while you wait. Happy hunting!

Find all the Goddess Cubes in the Skyward Sword HD with this handy guide posted first on

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