Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Spotify slams Apple's App Store 'concessions' as a distraction

"Apple has been allowed to abuse their dominant position for years..."

What you need to know

  • Apple recently settled a lawsuit against the company filed by the developers.
  • At the time it touted sweeping changes and concessions made in favor of developers.
  • Spotify says the changes "fail to address the most basic aspects of their anticompetitive and unfair App Store practices."

Spotify has slammed the terms of a settlement with developers made by Apple, stating the moves "fail to address the most basic aspects of their anticompetitive and unfair App Store practices."

It was previously announced by Apple that a lawsuit filed by developers against apple was settled, promising changes for developers Apple claims "will help make the App Store an even better business opportunity for developers, while maintaining the safe and trusted marketplace users love."

However, as numerous commenters have noted Apple has made minimal changes to its App Store. The only notable change is that henceforth Apple will allow developers to email customers sharing information about ways to pay for services outside of the App Store, providing users consent to the communication. The terms of the settlement have irked some developers, as has the fact that lawyers who helped broker the settlement will receive 30% of a $100 million fund set up to help developers.

Music giant Spotify says the changes "fail to address the most basic aspects of their anticompetitive and unfair App Store practices." In a statement, Spotify's Horacio Guiterrez said the move was Apple "attempting to distract policymakers and regulators and slow down the momentum that's building around the world to address their behavior." The statement continues "Apple has been allowed to abuse their dominant position for years, and we continue to seek real reforms to ensure that companies can innovate and compete fairly, on a level playing field.

The company further shared a breakdown of what it believes to be Apple's actual anticompetitive App Store practices, lending support for the Open App Markets App which could address these:

Spotify has filed numerous complaints against Apple over its alleged anti-competitive practices in places such as the EU. The EU and U.S. recently discussed their mutual interest in pursuing antitrust legislation and regulating digital marketplaces.

Spotify slams Apple's App Store 'concessions' as a distraction posted first on http://bestpricesmartphones.blogspot.com

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